VHDL to Verilog translator

What is vhd2vl?
Where can I download it?

What is vhd2vl?

Vhd2vl is designed to translate synthesizable VHDL into Verilog 2001. It does not support the full VHDL grammar - most of the testbench-related features have been left out.

While different synthesizers support slightly different templates and language subsets, the basic pattern of expressing logic within the language is pretty clear. As of the 2.2 release, vhd2vl supports:

Syntax and semantics are not carefully checked. vhd2vl assumes that the input is error-free; it's not hard to write erroneous VHDL where the errors propagate to the Verilog.

Vhd2vl is written using lex (actually Flex), yacc (actually Bison), and C. It should build and run in just about any POSIX-compatible environment.

Where can I download it?

Larry Doolittle's vhd2vl home on the web.